Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend in Ardmore

What did we do this weekend you might ask yourself??? Well, we had a famous Casey family weekend. Friday night we had a great dinner at home with some relaxing and FUN. Saturday was officially "family day!!! We slept in, well until 7:03 then lounged a little then headed to the music store so Jason could dream about an electric guitar (more about that later). Then we watched the great OU game, yay SOONERS. Then we headed to the lake with our tent and our grill and had a pretend camping out night. FUN was had by all. Thank goodness my husband can make a mean hamburger, and don't forget the smores with Reese's cups!!! If I wasn't already a Casey I would be trying to figure out how to become one!!!! I love this family.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of SCHOOL

We were excited and a bit nervous but the day was a success. Jackson walked in like he owned the place. He was on the ball, literally, he decided to be the super cool guy who remembered to bring a basketball on the first day of school. He said by the last recess they had already played the championship!! His team won of course. Sidney said she was excited but her face and voice showed a different emotion. She did mention she was a bit nervous too!! Like sweet girls do, some girl on the play ground told Sidney she and her friends were not POPULAR and without missing a beat Sidney said they were too popular. She did ask me what popular meant when she got home!!!
Oh the things that are in store for all of us!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Happy Birthday JEAN!!!

Well, it finally happened...Jean is as old as Chris!!! It was bound to happen someday! What FUN we had with cake balls, singing, sack races, and good family!!! We love you JEAN!!!